5 Reasons Your Complexion Might Be Breaking Out
Breakouts happen, and it’s how we react to them that makes all the difference. There are countless reasons you might experience the occasional pimple, whether it’s being overworked during the holidays or skipping out on washing your face before you hit the hay. Your skin has natural systems for keeping your complexion hydrated and protected, and your skincare routine is a chance to reinforce these efforts and help your skin feel balanced with essentials like a moisturizer with SPF and blemish-fighting serum. Get ready to address blemishes and reveal clearer-looking skin with plant-based products and key techniques. Reason 1: Frequent Picking and Popping Everyone has felt the desire to pop a pimple and take matters into their own hands. However, this approach can lead to bacteria spreading or may even cause more acne blemishes . Instead, take a step back and try adding products that are designed to target this concern so you can avoid aggravating the area. Try a serum t...