Why Antioxidants Need to Be a Part of Your Beauty Routine

Antioxidants may be your skin’s new best friend for their age defying properties. Antioxidants are compounds found in all kinds of plants, from apples to broccoli. These compounds can help in the fight against free radicals—particles that damage cells and potentially speed up the aging process. Antioxidants give free radicals something else to “attach” to that aren’t our cells. 

The wonderful thing about antioxidants is that we can take these compounds out of their various plant sources and put them wherever we want, including organic skin care products ingredients, in order to maximize their benefits.

Skin-Loving Antioxidants and What They Do

There are many sources of antioxidants—far too many to list here—but there are a handful that can be particularly beneficial when it comes to our skin. Here are a few quick examples:

Vitamin C supports several systems in the body, from bone health to skin function. It’s also important in the creation of collagen. It is found in many plants, including citrus.

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that boosts immunity and protects cells from free radical damage. It is found in avocado and many nuts and seeds, including sunflower seeds and sunflower oil.

Zinc is another immune booster that promotes cellular health, including cell growth and replacement. It is found in nuts, seeds, and whole grains.

Resveratrol may protect skin cells from sun damage. It is found in grapes, berries, and peanuts.

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) may help diminish the signs of aging when applied to the skin. Found in many nuts and seeds, peanuts, spinach, broccoli, and cauliflower.

Antioxidants and the Battle Against Free Radicals

Free radicals are particles missing an outer electron. They’re in search of other molecules to attach to in order to be “complete.” As they search for other molecules to attach to, they can damage the cells in your body as they bounce around. During this process, cells can oxidize, which ages the cells.

Free radicals come from numerous sources, including pollution, sunlight, and poor nutrition. Because skin is so exposed to the outside environment, it can be susceptible to higher amounts of free radicals. A big concern many people have is that free radicals can age the skin prematurely.

Antioxidants give free radicals something to attach to, keeping them from bouncing around in their search for their missing electron. When free radicals attach to an antioxidant, this can prevent cell damage. When cell damage is prevented, it can then slow the cell’s aging process, keeping it healthier for longer.

Benefits of Antioxidants in Skincare Products

Sure, you can eat antioxidant-rich foods to boost your body’s free radical-fighting ability, but when it comes to skincare, why not go directly to the skin? Skin cells can be nourished with an antioxidant serum or moisturizer. When skin cells are nourished with antioxidant-rich skincare products, they may be better protected against the bombardment of free radicals, resulting in potentially healthier skin and a reduction in the common signs of skin aging.

About Juice Beauty

Juice Beauty is an industry-leading pioneer behind the clean beauty movement. As the “OG” (Original Green) beauty brand, they elevate beauty standards with every new release. Juice Beauty leverages the natural power of organic key ingredients to create effective skincare and beauty products for your daily routines, from morning to night. The brand’s innovative formulas feature a base of organic botanical juices, which have been found to be more effective than the petroleum derivatives and water typically found in conventional products. Juice Beauty offers everything to address your skincare and beauty needs with high-quality, skin-loving ingredients. From their CC cream to illuminating primer, consider your clean beauty needs covered.

Give your skin the antioxidant advantage at https://juicebeauty.com/


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