4 Tips to Prepare Your Skin for Fall

There’s nothing quite like the transition from summer to fall. The morning air is cool and crisp. Leaves put on a spectacular show as they turn from green to reds, yellows, and oranges, and you get to watch it all unfold as you sip on your favorite hot beverages. While the autumn weather might be perfect for sweaters and scarves, it can be dry out there, and you may start to notice changes in your skin. However, with the right practices and products like a moisturizer with SPF from zinc, you can give your skin the advantage it needs this autumn. 

Oil Free Moisturizer With SPF

Turn to Moisturizer with Zinc SPF Protection

Sun protection isn’t just for the summer. As the days get shorter and the temperatures become mild, it’s easy to forget to apply sunscreen. However, when it’s a part of your daily moisturizer, you don’t have to think about it. Sunscreen is just as important in the fall as it is in the summer. Direct sunlight not only helps draw out moisture from the skin, but the sun’s potentially damaging rays are also very much present even on cooler days. A moisturizer with SPF from zinc can help lock in moisture while you go about your day. Plus, it can help protect your skin against the visible effects caused by extended time in the sun.

Change Your Moisturizer Regimen

While moisturizer with SPF from zinc can help make a difference, so can updating your overall moisturizing regimen. If you only apply moisturizer in the mornings during the summer, it may be time to shift to using a moisturizer both in the morning and at night. If you’re concerned about blemishes or breakouts, try an oil free moisturizer with SPF from zinc. The gentle ingredients of an oil free moisturizer can help hydrate and nourish your skin while potentially protecting it from moisture loss throughout the day and night. Look for a moisturizer that absorbs quickly and doesn’t leave behind any residue.

Wash with Lukewarm Water

When you wash your face in the morning and evening, skip the hot water, and dial it to a lukewarm temperature. Dowsing your face with hot water may be comforting on those chilly mornings, but it can end up exacerbating dry or irritated skin. With lukewarm water, use a gentle facial cleanser twice a day (and a gentle exfoliator twice a week). This can give your skin a better chance to acclimate to the changing seasons. This same advice applies to your shower or bath, as well. Although lukewarm showers are not nearly as fun as hot showers, your skin will certainly appreciate it.

Restore Your Summer Glow

There’s one challenge we all face when summer shifts into fall: our summer glow fades! If you want to maintain your glow as the days get shorter, consider an illuminating primer. In the morning, after you’ve completed your skincare regimen, reach for an illuminating primer as it can nourish and prepare your skin for foundation. It can also help even out the look of your complexion while adding a touch of visual radiance, bringing the warmth of summer to your favorite autumn looks.

About Juice Beauty

As the “OG” (Original Green) beauty brand, Juice Beauty defines what clean beauty can and should be. For years, they’ve raised the bar with a wide selection of daily skincare essentials and luxurious beauty products. Juice Beauty focuses on ingredients that matter, using organic botanical juices lush with vitamins and powerful antioxidants, instead of water or petroleum fillers. Enhance your collection by adding an age-defying natural moisturizer, pore refining mask, targeted serum, CC cream, or brightening cleanser to help you achieve your skincare goals. When you want to get the most out of your morning or evening skincare routine, you can trust Juice Beauty to deliver exceptional results.

Prepare your skin for the changing seasons with Juice Beauty at https://juicebeauty.com/


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